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Poor Posture May Cause Fatigue

Everyone knows a lot about posture, but do you know that poor posture may cause fatigue? In this article today, we will see how poor posture gets to cause fatigue.

Let’s get to find out what fatigue is.

What is fatigue?

At some point in time, everyone gets to feel tired. Often, relief comes from getting some sleep and rest. Fatigue is overwhelming tiredness whereby relief isn’t gotten from sleep and rest. It can also be called exhaustion or reduced energy.POOR POSTURE MAY CAUSE FATIGUE

Fatigue is a subjective feeling of fatigue. It can be sudden or progressive at its beginnings. It is a normal phenomenon if you follow a prolonged physical or mental activity and you resolve yourself completely with rest. It can be a symptom of one of the many medical conditions if it is prolonged, severe, progressive or occurs without provocation.

Fatigue affects every area of an individual’s life. It can to a large extent restrict their ability to engage in daily living. It also has a negative impact psychologically and socially.

Read more on poor posture may cause fatigue
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What Causes Fatigue?

The causes of fatigue can be related to psychological, physiological, and/or physical.

Iron deficiency anemia, neurological conditions, sleep apnoea, an underactive thyroid, and diabetes can cause fatigue. People suffering this tend to get fatigued easily.

Posture, which is the way a person positions their body segments, can also have some impact on fatigue.

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Poor Posture May Cause Fatigue. How?

How does fatigue relate to posture?

POOR POSTURE MAY CAUSE FATIGUEPosture is directly related to the total wellbeing of an individual, as well as health. For comfort, function, and optimum physiological function, good posture is essential.

To manage energy levels successfully, the body has to be rightly supported, stable, and aligned appropriately. This brings about efficiency in work.

Are you still wondering how poor posture may cause fatigue? It does so by making inefficient use of the body structure, thereby putting extra demands on it. This makes the muscles tire more quickly. The muscles have to work harder, and this causes greater energy consumption.

Staying in abnormal postures for a long period of time can also create more tension on the spine, lower limb joints. This increases the risk of contractures and deformities. This, in turn, can lead to pain that can impact on fatigue.

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Poor posture can cause fatigue, as fatigue is a byproduct of constricted blood flow. Proper alignment of the body causes blood to flow properly. By placing the body a bit crookedly, there’s a constricting of critical veins and arteries.

This may make you less like to engage in physical activity. Consequently, this makes the body seek to conserve energy. Fatigue comes as a result of energy conservation. The body desires to shut down and save energy.

Managing your posture can promote energy conservation. This makes it easier for you to live a meaningful life, and ultimately improving your quality of life.

Correcting Poor Posture And Reducing Fatigue

There are a few things that you can do to correct your posture and reduce fatigue. Here they are:

1. Mind how you use your mobile devices 

Endeavor to keep your mobile devices closer to your face. Often times, you’re rather looking down at them when you’re texting. This is not good. Also, as much as you can, use the hands-free function when you’re making calls on your cell phone.

When making use of your laptop, use the ergonomic position. This is the position you also use when you use a desktop computer. Reduce and monitor the time you spend on these devices.  Take some time every hour to stand up, stretch, and move around.

2. Mind the weight of bags

The weight of the bags we carry affects posture. Purses, computer bags, and backpacks should not be more than 15 percent of your body weight. This is especially important for children and teens with backpacks loaded with textbooks.

Ergonomic posture

Having extra weight on the upper back and shoulders further causes FHP (Forward Head Posture). It pushes the shoulders and neck into a forward position.

3. Engage in active stretching

Strength-building exercises such as yoga and weight training build strength in your abdomen, upper back, lower back, hips, and buttocks. When your muscles are stronger, you will be better able to hold your body in a healthful position.

Also, get or develop a short stretching routine. You can do the routine before beginning a long stint on the computer or a long drive.

A simple exercise to do:

  1. Stand having your back and heels against a wall.
  2.  Raise your shoulders up and roll them back and down to touch the wall. Ensure the back of your head pressed against the wall all the while.
  3. Attempt rolling the shoulders upwards until they almost touch the ears.

4. Do a posture check-up 

Endeavor to get yourself assessed by a professional. A professional may be your MD or a chiropractor. As you know, you cannot change something when you’re not aware of it.

These professionals will be able to assess your problem areas and implement techniques on how to get a  healthier posture.

In Conclusion

Poor posture is not the only cause of fatigue but can contribute to it. If your health is sound, and you feel fatigued while at work, or after sitting, you probably have sat wrongly.

Be mindful of your posture from time to time especially if working towards developing a healthy posture.

Encourage good posture in others around you. They, in turn, will keep their eyes on you and correct you when you’re doing it wrong.

Have a fatigue-free life!

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