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Do You Have Fake Anterior Tilt? How to Fix Anterior Tilt in 5 Steps

Hi folks, I’m Bob Schrupp physical therapist, Brad Heineck physical therapist, I’m Bob Schrupp physical therapist, Brad Heineck physical therapist. Together we are the most famous physical therapists on the internet. In our opinion, of course, Once you kind of get off line, it’s hard to get back on again we’re going to talk about. Do you have fake anterior tilt, anterior pelvic tilt and how to fix anterior tilt in five steps, we’re gon na do them for both. We can do double duty,

Right is this like fake news, Bob Yeah Sure, just like fake news? No, it’s not actually there’s a really good difference between the two and we’re going to show you in just a little bit a lot of people think they have anterior tilt and they don’t right. So if you’re trying to fix it, you know Actually a lot of things we do today would fix even fake anterior tilt right. So it’s a win-win situation. If you are new to our channel, please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos on how to stay healthy, fit pain-free and we upload every day Also go over to Facebook. If you get a chance because Brad and I as children, it’s a sad story Were not liked kind of a little bit bullied and so we’re trying to turn things around There. You go

And that’s fake, too, by the way, Let’s first show what an anterior tilt is. So we’re talking a real anterior tilt here, We’re taking about the pelvis, we’re taking everything off Bob and showing just the spine and his pelvis here, and the pelvis can rotate this way. Or this way I’m gon na go along with you, Brad go ahead and do it again. So if we go back, Let’s go together. Anterior tilt, posterior, tilt anterior means forward tuck that in little bit Bob We have our blue. Here We have a blue thing there to try to emphasize the line. That’S a good anterior tilt.

Move that arm, Thank you And now let’s do posterior. So it’s you know. Some people may not know this, but as a therapist. This is something we’re looking for all the time. It’S like Oh we’re, gon na Right, cuz a lot of times when I do lifting. I try to do an anterior tilt to kind of keep my back as straight as possible, and you can’t start going down here.

And otherwise you want to be kind of in the neutral zone. Sure You don’t want to be anterior or posterior, And I think one of the biggest issues as therapists we see is many people do not have awareness of where their pelvis is, Whether it’s anterior or posterior, because you’re just not aware it’s not like your arm or Your legs, What I see with a lot of people lifting is they’re actually posterior tilted they’re tilted like this and they’re lifting like this and their back rounds out. So if they tilt it this way they got a good arch in their back and their back is supported. Let me show the fake one: Brad

Okay, so right now my pelvis is level see that does it look level It does If I just lean back like this, my pelvis is still level, But now it looks like I have anterior tilt because I have an arch in my back. Normally I have to do this to get an arch in my back. You know it does tilt forward So fake, anterior tilt and sometimes people just lean back and their posture is like this Right. So they have a sway back going back and we don’t like this either because look what it does to the neck Head forward. Posture

We got a lot of stress in the lower –, I’m locking in the knees I’m hanging on my ligaments is what I’m doing I’m hanging on the pelvis. I’M hanging on the hips

Sure so it’s just it’s not a good thing to do And, like we said, the things that we do for the exercises and the posture corrections do luckily work for both of them in any case also yeah. Let’S show you, how may want to first do a pelvic tilt right, so you kind of know where your pelvis is at lay down. The best thing to do is to lay down and Bob’s going to work a good exercise, And these are good core exercises by the way See he’s doing a posterior tilt. Now, if I were to put my hand right here – and this is what I do with patients – I say squeeze my hand with your back And when you do that the abdominals contract, the pelvis posterior tilts and the person is becoming aware of that motion. If they’re not already, and typically, if I work with some elderly people that were physically active all their life, they really don’t have this awareness, as well as other people too, So yeah you’re learning how to do a posterior tilt And eventually you can translate that to Standing too right,

I mean if you learn how to do it here and even sitting learn to do it, and then you can learn to do it. Standing where you kind of keep again the pelvis in a neutral area when you’re doing things right precisely. Alright. Next thing is one of the things that can cause an anterior tilt is tight, hip, flexion right, And so we want to work some exercises and some means to get those more flexible and pliable. Because when you sit a lot which almost everybody does and if you think about it, because you’re talking about driving time you’re talking about when you’re watching TV at night Right, then your hips are in this position here, So they’re not getting stretched at all and they’re Gon na tighten up on you, Especially if you have your job, then you sit all day too, and you know if you’ve heard about tight, hip flexors We’re talking to muscles that are responsible for pulling your hips into flexion or your femur up like this. When you sit a long periods throughout the day day after day month after month, etc They stay tight and then they actually, when you stand up, they can help pull that anterior tilt where we have it. So if we stretch those muscles out, we can get that neutral position, we’re looking for

Yeah, the thing I see to Brad is not only the anterior tilt. They may even get bent forward a little sure After time, they’re like this, and they can’t even straighten up because the hip flexors are tight right and that puts stress on the lower back as well, because they’re connected to the low back. So one way to stretch them Well, should I do the laying down one first, If you’re, not that mobile, and you just want to stretch your hip flexors. One way you can do, it is actually just by starting off. If you pull up on this one and you’re really tight, This will probably stretch your hip flexor a little bit. You know if I push here gently, I’m not going to be aggressive, but that might help Bob if he happens to be tight. If he does this, and this pulls up you’re really tight right. So if I go like this it’s down flat, Then I go like this and it pulls up. That means it’s really tight. Another thing you can do: if you start you know again, don’t fall off the edge of the bed, but you can go off the edge like this There. You go And the same thing on this. If I pull it up – and it comes up like this You’re tight right And if you want to add a little more stretch, you can even pull the knee the foot back a little bit like this Right and that actually gets the rectus femoris. Another hip flexor because there’s a number of hip flexors that work together, So that’s being more complete. If you’re a little more mobile, you can get down on your knees. I throw a pillow down.

I did this this morning. I just go ahead and stretch like this

Give a little more stretch if you turn your foot out like this, I’m going to just get in front of you, quick Bob, But I just wan na show the point: Bob’s got nice tall posture. If he leans forward with his trunk, Then it doesn’t give you quite as aggressive a stretch. You may have to start that way, but you want to work up to this vertical posture Right and look how well extended. I have the leg because I do stretch this out. A lot He’s got pretty flexible hips, so he’s a good demonstration for someone. That’S flexible, I’m a little bit tighter that way, so I didn’t want to do it. I appreciate that Brad, Okay, the other one. We can use, we can actually use a foam roller right Right. If we want to. Can you get that Bob

We’Re going to take advantage of this. If you got a foam roller, the 4 inch or the 6 inch will work. It depends on your body size if you happen to have a 6 inch, one use that one Don’t go out and buy another one for it.

And what we’re going to do is actually we’ve got blue on blue on blue here, Oh, oh, my goodness, We can put the blackboard in there if that shows up. Okay, we’ll get serious, I’m gon na roll to one side a little bit to get to my left, hip flexor and I’m going to let all my weight go on there. It’S a deep muscle, so you’re gon na have to work it fairly aggressively. This one is a roll that is a little more firm might be advantage to it, but you could still use it advantageous Tthank. You Bob

Yeah, because this one’s probably almost too soft, isn’t it for this, bring it close And plus you’re, not gon na. Do it on a soft bed. That’S the problem on a carpeted floor is best Right. We don’t have our mat out right now, so we’re not going to get into detail with that, but that’s definitely a good option and then we’re gon na go ahead and we’re gon na work on getting our posture right, especially if you have that posterior lean or If you are anterior tilted, you can go up against the wall and you can straighten yourself out here.

You can go ahead and flatten your back up against the wall, Get the hand out where they can see that There you go You’re gon na. Do it with your hands down there see how you flatten it. You can do that again, Bob there and that little bit of a movement is significant in the low back and the pelvis and and then I go ahead and bring my shoulders back and get everything all lined up. And then I can walk away from the wall and maintain that posture There you go So the other thing that you know you can do. Is I’m going to do that? And I really like doing this because it really feels good on my back here and I’m going to do this and then shoulders too right and then we’re going to maintain that with that chin. Because a lot of times, people can’t get the head back And right now my stomach is tight because I’m tightening up to get that posture to wherever we want to to get get rid of that anterior tilt. If you want to use some bands with that that you happen somewhere to anchor to the wall like we have here now, if you want to strengthen your core a little bit while you’re keeping it in good position,

You can go ahead and use some bands, So there you go And that actually works the core some more. While you maintain that posture that you found against the wall and you’ll be amazed after you work this you’re gon na say: oh geez. I was never aware of where my pelvis looked before and once you do it, it becomes part of your life. Why don’t you flip around Brad? Oh, yes, there you go and then I’m going to try to straighten that out again.

This is a great posture exercise, So now he’s got his pelvis in the right position, but he’s also working on the upper back and shoulders, and this is going to help keep that posture correct, Which is the one that a lot of people do have difficulty with. They get rounded up in those shoulders, They get internally rotated and it’s all a mess it is. But what are ya gon na do just listen to us. We’Re therapists, We’re concerned about your posture. It’S really going to help Bob. Once again, we can fix just about anything except for a broken heart. There you go but we’re working on it.

Yep we’ve got homework and stay up til midnight, sometimes working on it. Thanks..

Read More: How to sleep with Anterior Pelvic Tilt – the best sleeping positions for anterior tilt and back pain

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