Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
poor posture
YOU Have BAD Posture!!! (3 Signs and How To Fix Easily) [0:00:00] What comes to your mind when you see a soldier? Power? Strength? Confidence? But, why? Is it just the uniform or is there something else going on? Gentlemen,…
It shouldn’t be terribly shocking to know that the way a person walks and carries their body throughout the day can really play an important role in determining a person’s physical health and well-being. Bad posture can cause uncomfortable physical…
Adopting the correct sitting position is vital for maintaining proper posture and a healthy back and spine. Having an improper desk posture can be really bad for you. There are certain complications that can arise later from the poor desk…
A lot of people have poor postures. They do not sit straight, neither do they stand straight. These bad postures cause problems such as kyphosis, flat back, sway head, and others. A lump can develop in the neck due to…
There are several examples of bad posture and there are different ways to improve them. You may not know it, but bad posture can affect more than your appearance while sitting or standing. The spine can dictate much of your…
It is a common phenomenon to turn or tilt the head to the side and the neck cracks. If you crack your neck from time to time, you are not alone! You know how nice it can be to relieve…
When you are at your desk deeply focused on your work, slouched over at your computer, your posture is probably the last thing you think about. Although most of us are probably not actively thinking about our posture throughout the…
Technically, movement efficiency refers to energy expenditure; The less energy is spent when performing a sports skill, the more effective the movement. So can poor posture affect movement efficiency? You will find the answer as you read through this article.…
There are several ill-effects that accompany poor posture. Some of these effects of poor posture are pains in the chest, back, and neck. Poor posture can also dizziness, numbness and reduce movement efficiency. But can poor posture cause muscle spasm?…
Can poor posture cause chest pain? This is a question many people are asking. If you are such a person, then you should be glad indeed for in this article you will get all the answers you need. Can poor…