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can bad posture cause dizziness

Can Bad Posture Cause Dizziness? – The Complete Exposition!

Can bad posture cause dizziness? What are the possibilities that bad posture can cause dizziness? you will get answers to these and many other questions in this article. Therefore, sit tight as we take off.

First, let us understand what dizziness means before we go into how bad posture can cause dizziness.

What is Dizziness?

Dizziness usually means feeling lightheaded, weak, faint or unstable. It can be the result of sudden drops in blood pressure (usually after sitting or getting up quickly), insufficient blood flow from the heart due to clogged arteries, abnormal heartbeats or other conditions. Also, dizziness may come from disorders of the inner ear, infections or reactions to medications.

can bad posture cause dizziness
Dizziness caused by bad posture

There is another form of severe dizziness, (a higher form if you may) called Cervical vertigo, or Cervicogenic dizziness. It is more than just dizziness. Vertigo is the disconcerting sensation of movement when you are still, the sensation that the world revolves around you. It makes you feel like you’re spinning. Vertigo can occur with nausea and an inability to maintain balance. It can be debilitating, especially if it occurs frequently. Among its many causes are circulatory disorders in the brain and damage to the nerves involved in hearing. Viral infections in the inner ear can also trigger it.

Can bad posture cause dizziness? Continue reading to find out more

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Vertigo is not pleasant. Its main symptom is dizziness, sometimes so intense that the patient experiences nausea and vomiting, and this can last from a few hours to months or even years. Other symptoms range from headaches and eye contractions to sweating and hearing a persistent ringing in the ear.

Although the exact number of people suffering from vertigo is unknown, the estimate is that 40% of all Americans will visit the doctor at some point in their lives due to vertigo/dizziness. If you have had it, there really is no confusion with the feeling.

Bad neck posture, neck disorders or trauma to the cervical spine can cause dizziness. Cervical vertigo often results from a head injury that disrupts the alignment of the head and neck, or whiplash.

This dizziness occurs more frequently after moving the neck and can also affect your sense of balance and concentration.

Cervical vertigo itself is usually a symptom of an underlying problem, such as a neck injury. A person will often experience dizziness after a triggering event, usually turning his head suddenly. This dizziness can last from a few minutes to a few hours.

Some Causes of Dizziness

There are some potential causes of cervical vertigo, many of which are related to traumatic neck injuries or chronic long-term injuries.

The diagnosis itself remains somewhat controversial. In fact, a study in the Archives of Physiotherapy notes indicates that health professionals do not fully understand the exact cause of the symptoms and that it is difficult to accurately diagnose the disease.

There is currently no definitive test or remedy for the condition, so doctors usually try other things and rule them out to find cervical dizziness.

A recent study published in the journal Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology found that people with cervical vertigo may look like migraine sufferers who also have neck injuries and 94% of people with cervical vertigo report neck pain. neck.

Muscles, nerves and neck joints send signals, including signals about the body’s orientation, to the brain and inner ear. It is part of the body’s efforts to stay balanced and coordinated.

Can bad posture cause dizziness? Continue reading to find out more

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The problems listed below can cause one or more signs and symptoms of dizziness:


Traumatic injuries, such as a car accident or other causes of whiplash, can cause head and neck damage, which can cause dizziness in the neck.

Furthermore, neck surgeries can also cause cervical dizziness as a complication, especially if the surgery site was near the brainstem. Dizziness can also occur if the surgery damages the arteries of the neck and head.

A slipped Disc

Slipped discs are more common in the lower back areas, although they can occur anywhere in the spine.
A slipped disc, or herniated disc, occurs when the softer center of a spinal disc pushes through a crack in the spine. In some cases, it does not cause symptoms. However, in other cases, it can enter a nerve or artery and cause symptoms, which may include dizziness in the neck.


Advanced osteoarthritis in the area can lead to cervical spondylosis. This can cause wear on the vertebrae of the neck, which can exert excessive pressure on the nerves, arteries or spinal cord. This could send inappropriate signals to the brain or block blood flow, causing dizziness.


Blockages in the arteries of the neck can cause lesions in the area that can cause dizziness. This could be due to atherosclerosis, which is the thickening of the arterial walls.

Bad posture

Bad posture can also contribute to cervical vertigo/dizziness. Over time, the cervical spine may compress due to poor sitting posture or problems such as the “text neck,” in which a person frequently bends his neck to look at electronic devices or books.

This can put additional pressure on the arteries of the neck and cause neck pain and dizziness in some people.

How Can Bad Posture Cause Dizziness

As we mentioned in the causes of dizziness, bad posture can cause dizziness. This is often when there is repetitive use and tension in the neck muscles, poor posture or improper breathing. A related problem is the development of “trigger points”. These are focal areas of sensitivity and irritability, especially in the neck muscle called sternocleidomastoid. These are mainly the result of long hours of typing with raised shoulders, frequent or prolonged phone calls, tilting the head and neck on a keyboard or looking at a monitor screen for long periods of time.

can bad posture cause dizzinessYou can find out if you have any trigger point by simply pinching the belt-shaped muscles that go from the ear to the collarbone. If you notice sensitive areas here, you may have trigger points on these muscles and they may be contributing to your problem. If so, you can see a qualified osteopath in cranial therapy for treatment. You can also try the self-massage, periodic stretching and frequent breaks on the computer.

Also, you should understand that humans are gravity machines; Like all operating systems in our universe, we depend on gravity to function, and because the body knows how important our relationship to gravity is, it offers redundant systems to ensure we have an accurate reading of our field of gravity, that is the ground.

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One of these systems is something called proprioception, which is defined as “the unconscious perception of movement and the spatial orientation resulting from stimuli in the body itself.” In other words, your body knows where it is because it does, and is constantly instinctive. This allows your brain to know where the body is in relation to the ground. You have an internal sense of the ground you are walking on. That is why you do not have to look at the ground when you walk.

Another system to modulate our relationship with the ground is the semicircular canals, which are three interconnected tubes in the deepest cavities of the inner ear. These channels are filled with a fluid called endolymph, and this fluid flows freely when we are in a good relationship with our gravity field, which allows us to function without losing balance or getting dizzy. The final system is a good old fashioned sight. You can see the ground and it helps you keep your balance.

However, even with these redundant systems, many of us experience dizziness. This is due to the position of our heads. When there is the correct alignment of the body, the joints that support the load of the shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles are perfectly balanced from side to side and rest directly on each other. This allows the spine to retain its designed “S” shape, which allows the head to rest directly on the spine.

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In this position, the ears are directly perpendicular to the ground. When one of these joints deviates from its intended position, which is common in our sedentary lives, the body begins to compensate, which usually results in a spine that turns from an “S” into a “C”. The head, in turn, loses its proper relationship with its field of gravity. The ears now become inclined.

When a head is unbalanced, tilted to the side or moved forward, systems designed to maintain balance begin to argue. Proprioception instinctively knows where the body and the ground will transmit the correct message to the brain; the eyes can still see where the earth is, so confirm the message sent by the proprioception. But these inner ears cannot see. They can only record the gravity field by the position of the head. Therefore, when the head is out of position, it sends a message to the brain that completely disagrees with the message sent by the other two systems. Then enters vertigo or dizziness.

However, the body adjusts, which is another example of the amazing human form. It almost always adapts to a new position of the head, so if left untreated, vertigo often disappears on its own in a day or two. But the position of the head will only get worse, triggering new episodes of vertigo in the future. In addition, for some people, their head has been out of position for so long that this fluid in the inner ear thickens and has even developed microscopic calcifications that adhere to the inner ear tabs. This is what contributes to these episodes of long-term vertigo that can last for weeks or even years.

Solutions For Dizziness from Bad Posture

The solution is to return the head to its correct position. There are some exercises to begin the head repositioning process, and they are good for short-term relief of dizziness. These will accompany another dizziness episode. Therefore, for long-term relief, you should realign your entire body and return it to its designed position so that the two ears are perfectly perpendicular to the ground, the head is directly on the shoulders and the spine is this letter “S”.

“If you suffer from vertigo, the conventional treatment is a medicine called meclizine (Antivert, Bonine), which does not always work and can cause drowsiness, among other side effects. Instead, I generally recommend a test of the herb Ginkgo biloba, which increases blood flow to the brain. Try two capsules three times a day for two months. I would also suggest one or two sessions of cranial osteopathy and possibly acupuncture”, suggests Andrew Weil, M.D. (source).

Summary and Recommendation

Poor posture can cause dizziness. Yes, it can. However, this situation can be remedied. Without proper medical advice, your symptoms may get worse. Self-diagnosis is not recommended, as this condition can simulate more serious diseases.

If you begin to experience dizziness, neck pain and other related symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

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